- Regional Positions (EMEA, pan-european positions CEE as well as clusters - 21%
- CEO/Presidents (individuals who run businesses in Poland) General Managers, Members of the Board (i.e. CFO,COO, Financial Directors, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors, IT Directors) - 41%
- Mid-management Positions - 26%
- Specialists - 12%
Success Stories
Case I
An important German coffee manufacturer started its international expansion from entering Polish market, after varying failures in the past.
We won the assignment to fill all key management positions in the company starting from General Manager, Marketing Director, Sales Director, Commercial Director to Plant Manager, Finance Director, Research & Development Director, Industrial Engineer, Production Manager and Human Resources Manager. Within half a year we covered all the positions and after two years the company gained the leading position in Polish market in beverage sector, having over 20% of the shares in the coffee segment.
Due to very modern and aggressive marketing and distribution policy the company's products are available in 90% of shops all over the country. The company created a product with consumer driven approach, ideally shaped for the Polish consumer needs.
After the successful expansion in the Polish market the company opened its operations in other European countries: Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, etc. Though, the polish success story was never repeated.
Due to the professional recruitment the company in question has had an extraordinary success and gained the leading position in the Polish coffee segment.
Case II
We were approached to recruit Marketing and Sales Directors for a world leader in domestic appliances production which was entering the Polish market with only ECU 2.6 million turnover. Both positions were successfully covered.
In four years the company gained the leading position in domestic appliances segment in five categories: ironing, kettles, hair dryers, epilators and electric shavers.
With its professionally recruited Marketing and Sales Management the company has been able to create and implement a coherent marketing strategy, to build brand awareness up to 95% and set an efficient distribution system.
Case III
We were able to attract Member of the Board of the international company with its headquarter based in the USA, and place him in CEO/President position of another international company based in Poland.
Financial Sector
Our proposed Candidates took over the responsibilities as Members of the Board in an international Insurance Corporation as well as Members of the Board in an international Bank operating in Poland.
We are currently searching for a General Manager (Head of Sectors), as well as financial experts in this field for the new Financial Centres that will provide outsourcing services for all of Europe.
Consumer Goods
It was our Candidate who was appointed General Manager and President of an international FMCG company
Household Goods: our Candidates were chosen for General Manager, Marketing Director and Human Resource Director
Industrial Sector
Four of our Candidates were chosen for key positions - General Manager, Brand Manager, HR Manager, Purchasing Manager - in a French car company which has recently begun manufacturing in Poland.
Recently our Candidates were appointed to more than seven specialist positions in a production firm specializing in component parts for the industrial automation of a factory in Poland.
Life Science
Our Candidates were employed as Regional Director, Business Unit Director and Financial Manager in a company in the Biotechnology Sector.
Our Candidate was also taken on as Human Resource Director in a pharmaceutical company.
In one of the leading firms in the new technology sector our Candidate was chosen as the Business Unit Manager.
Our Candidate was also chosen as Business Development Manager as well a Member of the Board in a company dealing with integrating information systems.
Media: Director of Marketing, HR Manager as well as CEO in three international media corporations were all our recommended Candidates.